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Student Experiences

Not all of our students will be working towards a life of work. We aim to provide the best opportunities for everyone by providing a range of experiences through Key Stages 1-3 and work experience in Key Stages 4-5.

Key Stages 1-3

Days organised by the "My Future" Curriculum Development Group will take place annually for the majority of Key Stages. These days will take place in school but will include guests from outside of school to run activities and give the opportunity for our pupils to meet members of the community. Some examples of the focus of these days include, "people who help us", "volunteering" and "world of work"


Key Stages 4 and 5

Work experience is not always appropriate for our students so when students start Key Stage 4, they will enter one of two routes, work experience or Positive Alternatives to Work (PAW).


Positive Alternatives to Work

This route is open for students who are unlikely to enter the workplace once they have finished school. It is exactly as it says, an alternative to work, something that our students can do to carry on enriching their lives post 19. Examples of this could include swimming, art, music and gardening as well as trips to the theatre, cinema and the park.
Through KS4 and KS5, there will be plenty of activities organised by the class teacher that work towards PAW as well as visits to potential social care settings.


Work Experience

For those whom it is deemed appropriate, students will work towards a range of weekly work experience opportunities throughout the year.
KS4 - students will complete work experience in school. This could include jobs including basic admin, litter picking and running a tuck shop.
KS5 - students will complete work experience outside of school. Opportunities have been provided by Touchwood and Colebridge Enterprises.


Work Place Experiences and Work Place Tasters

In KS4, students will have the opportunity to attend trips to various workplaces. Depending on how appropriate this is for each individual student, they will either join a group to attend a Work Place Experience or a Work Place Taster.

Work Place Experiences are simply visits to the workplace where they might be given a tour by a member of the workplace staff and told about the different jobs they might do.

Work Place Tasters are much more hands-on and as well as meeting members of staff at the workplace, they'll get the opportunity to try something that they could do in that workplace.


College visits and College Link Courses

In KS4, students will have the opportunity to visit a range of local and specialist colleges for an open day style experience. This allows each student to see what is on offer for when they move on.

In KS5, for those it is deemed appropriate, students will visit a college as part of a group and partake in a taster course for one morning a week, two terms of the year. The course they partake in is decided by looking at the group attending and taking their views into account as to what they might enjoy. Whilst at College, they will also have the opportunity to have lunch in the canteen so they can have a real experience of college life.