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Many of our school age pupils will qualify for Local Authority transport to and from school. If you wish to apply you can obtain a form from the LA transport department for travel assistance, it will be allocated depending on distance from school – if you are refused there is also the opportunity to appeal. Your child will probably share transport with other pupils from this school on a minibus. They will be supported by an escort who will travel with the pupils. Your driver/escort should give you a direct contact number for them. Please inform them of any time your child will not need transport. You should have a Meet & Greet with the driver and escort before the service begins, it is important that you share information with them for e.g. if your child has seizures then please explain to the escort how these present. Transport staff are unable to offer any medical assistance they will pull over and call 999 and yourself.

School tries wherever to support with transport, but we do not have any direct responsibility for the service.

School Transport Queries

0121 704 6610 

School transport for children with SEND |

The LA’s transport policies can be accessed via a link on the Solihull Council’s website.